When Bad Things Happen
When I woke up this morning it was sunny, but not as hot as the past week, so I walked the dog then weeded and watered the flowers. I went inside, made a pot of coffee, put in a load of laundry, did a load of dishes.....and.....the storm came!!! It poured!!!! At least the grass got some water.
I got alot accomplished during the day. I quilted a quilt, took it off of the machine, put another one on, more laundry, sorted some more of the things from my friend's stash, played with my grandson, ironed and sorted scraps ( there was too much lightening to use my machines). The storm cleared up and I started working on the next quilt then put some chicken on the grill for dinner.
After dinner, I got back to work but soon realized everything I touched went bad!!! It's a good thing this doesn't happed too often because it is really frustrating. I cut a strip......my ruler slipped and caused it to be unusable. Began to sew......my needle broke. Set my embroidery machine to stitch a panel for a quilt......top thread kept breaking so I cleaned my machine. Fixed a Teddy Bear for my grandson......the bear's seam had opened. Tried to embroider again.....made a mistake setting the size on a word (yes, my own fault). Got another piece of fabric ready and tried again.....the machine clunked, stopped and beeped. I started checking things out and found the bobbin had popped apart, in my machine (I have never had that happen before).......I cleaned the thread mess out of my machine and realized it had made a knotted mess on the underside of my embroidery!!!
I'm all for try and try again but I decided enough was enough and I had to know that when bad things start to happen I have to know when to quit!!! I turned the lights off in my studio and joined my family for a movie. Things will go better in the morning!
Happy Quilting,