Time Flies!

Remember the old saying.....Time flies when you're having fun.......?  I believe this is the truth.  My daughter and grandson have been visiting for a couple of weeks and time seems to be moving more quickly than ever.  When I am spending time with my grandson everything is enjoyable.  He gets such pleasure out of even the simplest of things and I get joy out of experiencing things with him.

He was even excited to go to the farm-stand and pick out  a dozen ears of corn and some tomatoes and peaches.  He asked if we could get some lemons and he had a great time making fresh lemonade!

We also had the opportunity to spend some time with other family members.  We have been swimming a few times, had a couple of cook-outs and got some shopping done.

We went to a warehouse book sale and found many great bargains.  I found a  few treasures for myself too including the book,  Around the Quilt Frame (Stories and Musings on the Quilter's Craft).   This is a wonderful collection of stories about quilts and quilting written by quilters.  I read this book from cover to cover.  I laughed, I cried and in one way or another I was able to relate my life and experiences to the stories in this book.  It's nice to know somebody else gets it.  I even found myself reading excerpts out loud to my family!!!  This is a terrific book.  It is light, easy reading and I would recommend it to anyone who quilts, wants to quilt or likes quilts (I think that covers everyone!!!).

While you are shopping for this book, you may also want to pick up Every Quilt Tells a Story (A Quilter's Stash of Wit and Wisdom) and This Old Quilt (A Heartwarming Celebration of Quilts  and Quilting Memories).  These two books are also well worth reading.  All three of these books are available at Amazon.

If you belong to a quilt guild you may want to add these three books to your guild library for all to enjoy.  You might want to keep an extra on hand for gift giving or a gift exchange during the holidays.  (They are coming up faster than I care to admit!!!)  If you purchase these books for yourself,  be sure to put your name in them because they will be very popular and all of you friends will want to borrow them!!!

Happy Quilting,