The Runner's Quilt
It feels very good to be getting back to some of my regular activities. I love gardening and it felt really good to be able to get outside and weed one of my flower gardens. The one I worked on is not huge but it was satisfying to be able to get it done. We have had rain for a few days so the weeds came out easily, the sun felt wonderful, the breeze was warm and it felt great to get my hands in the dirt again!!!
Even though this flower garden is not gigantic, I was a little tired when I was finished so I made a cup of coffee and sat down to read a couple of magazines. I opened my Quilt-maker magazine and found a story written by Jennifer Chiaverini (the author of the Elm Creek Quilt Novels). This is a short story written in two parts. Part 1 can be found in the March/April '12 issue and part 2 is in the May/June '12 issue.
In this story, the characters decide to make a T-Shirt from the shirts one of them has collected from the running events she has participated in. I enjoy reading anything written by Jennifer Chiaverini so it was no surprise that I enjoyed this story too! What a great treat to find in one of my favorite quilt magazines.
Happy Quilting,