The Best Opoly Ever
I have always been a Monopoly fanatic. I have the first Monopoly game that was my very own from the 1960's (Hey....I heard those snickers from you young quilters!), a newer version from the 1990's, a Classic Edition reproduction and a new Here and Now game. Over the years I have purchased various versions, like Cat-opoly, to give as gifts.
They have finally come up with the best opoly ever .......... Quilt-opoly!!!!! This is a great game for 2-6 players. The pieces you move around the board are even quilt related. Instead of collecting properties, you collect quilting techniques and block designs.
I have ordered my Quilt-opoly from and I can hardly wait for it to arrive. I will try to be patient. I do expect my family to play a game or two (a bit of arm twisting may be necessary for some of them!) with me during winter break. I also plan a game with some quilting friends.
You might want to add Quilt-opoly to your holiday wish list.
Happy Quilting,