Today was officially my first day of summer break! Yes, the last day of school was last Friday, but Monday and Tuesday I was working at school to pack up my classroom and yesterday I attended a lengthy meeting with teachers and administration to plan for next year. So this was really my first day off and I certainly made the best of it.
It felt soooo good to be able to sleep in a little late and take my time enjoying a cup of coffee before my shower. I ran a few errands, threw in a load of laundry, did dishes and spent the remainder of the day working in my studio.
I had the opportunity to quilt this beautiful purple and white quilt which is a graduation gift for a very special mathematician friend of the quilt maker. As a special touch, math equations and symbols were quilted in the white-on-white rectangular pieces. The rest of the quilt was meandered.
I added the final border to a quilt I am making for a friend. I also made the label and the backing and loaded the quilt on my long arm for tomorrow.
There was a little time left so I began fussy-cutting pieces for more Princess Quilts.
I really enjoyed being able to spend so much time working on quilting projects and getting so much done.
I am looking forward to another productive day tomorrow!
Happy Quilting,