Scraps Galore

I feel like I won a jackpot!!! I am sew happy.....

I love, love, love scraps!  I was helping a friend  organize his cutting area/fabric stash room and he gave me a bunch of fabric scraps.  Some of these little treasures were the scraps he had been saving for me.  He is one of my quilting friends who keeps a bag next to his cutting table to collect scraps for me for my scrap quilt projects.  Some other pieces are left over pieces and blocks from projects he has already completed.  Other pieces are from his stash that he is unlikely to use anymore and he knows I will use them up!

Scrap Pile

Some of these scraps are just large enough to get a 1½" square out of them for my Charm Square Postage Stamp Quilt project.  Others are narrow strips that will be used in a String Quilt.  Some of the pieces are large enough to cut pieces for my next scrap quilting project.  He even threw in some pieces that are ¼', ½' and larger along with some yardage.  I am having a ball going through all of these pieces.  I enjoy sorting, cutting and organizing all of these scraps.  It's going to take me awhile to work through everything but give me a pot of coffee, a rotary cutter and my Accuquilt machine and watch me goLaughing.

These scraps will soon be squares, triangles, apple cores, tumblers, rectangles, strips and crazy quilt pieces...cut, sorted and stored in the appropriate containers.

Happy Quilting,