Resolution Time

It's that time of year again!  The time to ponder the last year and look forward to next year with hope for improvement, success, health  and prosperity.  At this time, most of us make a list of things we resolve to do or improve on for the new year.

Have you made your list of New Year's Resolutions yet?  I resolve to eat better, exercise more and pay more attention to my general health.  Spending more time with family and friends will be a top priority.   I also resolve to be less of a clutter-bug and try to keep a neater workspace while working on projects.  Lastly, I resolve to plan my time better so I can complete some more of my own projects while completeing projects for others in a timely fashion.

I am prepared...... I have my seven new 2012 calendars and will have them hung up before the new year rings in.  This is supposed to bring luck for the new year and I'm not going to take any chances!!!

Happy Quilting,