Quilting For Dummies

I guess I am a little slow on the draw sometimes.  I'm sure you have seen the recognizable black and yellow books for dummies.  These are "how to" books for everything imaginable.  I have even joked when something didn't turn out quite right around the house saying things like "Maybe I should buy Cooking For Dummies."  or  "I guess I need  Computers For Dummies."  I never imagined they had one for quilters!

I was shopping at my favorite bargain bookstore and there it was ---- Quilting For Dummies!!!  I was drawn to this book like a magnet.  I am not a novice quilter but I can always learn something more and I enjoy actually reading quilting books as well as quilt related stories.  I already have an enormous library of quilt related books but I found myself compelled to buy this one and add it to my collection.

This book is a great resource for any quilter of any skill level.  It is a great teaching tool for the beginner as well as a terrific reference for moderate to advanced quilters.  Check it out on your next trip to the bookstore or on Amazon.com.   Even if you just want one of these yellow and black covered books on your shelf --- it's worth the small investment.

Happy Quilting!