Quick Weight Loss
Well, I wanted to loose a few more pounds but I had hoped to exercise and eat less. Instead, I got the dreaded flu!!! Yes, I lost eight pounds (and yes, I know that as soon as I can eat again they'll come back. Let me have my moment.) and slept a lot.
While I was sick and feeling a little bit sorry for myself I spotted this piece of fabric on my dining room table (turned sewing table since my recent surgery) and it made me feel good.
My sisters and I collect frogs and since my sister Carol and I are both quilters, we try to find all the froggy fabrics we can. Carol found these Yoga Frogs and brought me a yard to add to my collection. This is a print called "Back in 5 Minutes" by Janet White represented by TSB & Co.
These fabulous four inch frogs are light green blending into a medium green outer edge with yellow/red eyes printed on black fabric. Each is demonstrating a Yoga pose for us. The words surrounding the frogs are words of wisdom printed in gray. Words such as "Let Go, Relax, Peace, Be In The Moment, Chill Out, Breathe, Lighten Up, Stretch, Stretch A L-i-t-t-l-e More, Peace and Love, Be Strong, Slow Down, Find Balance, Visualize, Take a Deep Cleansing Breath, Lighten Up, Peace and Love and Find Your Happy Place.
Even though I was not up to working on a quilt for a few days, this fabric made me feel better. My goal for tomorrow.....back to the sewing machine!
Happy Quilting,