Out Like A Lamb
I think Spring might have finally arrived!!! March came in like a lion and is going out like a lamb. Our temperatures are warming up and the sun was shining all day long. I felt better today than I have inn a long time. Our winter, this year, was long and hard with many dark, cold, dreary days and record breaking amounts of snow. I'm sooo glad it seems to be over.
It seem everyone around me has been feeling the same way and spent much of their time inside working on their quilting. I have received many phone calls and people are dropping quilts off three, four and five at a time to be quilted! Even more are on their way during the week. I love seeing all the beautiful work and am very excited to transform them into finished quilts. It is amazing to take them from a quilt top to the finished quilt they were meant to be.
Remember---It's not a quilt until it's quilted!
Happy Quilting,