Not Just Another Coloring Book

I found another great coloring book to play with color combinations and plan quilts.  This one is Infinite Designs Coloring Book by Muncie Hendler.  I found it at the teachers' store on the Dover Coloring Book rack.  I don't think it is really intended as a quilt planning tool but will work well for my purposes anyway.

I love having the freedom to experiment will color before cutting any fabric.  I can make mistakes without wasting any materials and every-so-often a mistake turns out to be a fantastic new design!!!

Dover Coloring Books are made from good paper so the color doesn't  usually show through.  The lines are bold and clear.  Their prices are reasonable, this book was $3.95.

Some of the designs are patterns I've seen in quilts and some are artsy designs that I'd like to see in quilts.

Coloring Pattern Page Photo 1Coloring Pattern Page Photo 2Coloring Pattern Page Photo 3

This are pages from the book. My grandson is coming for a visit next week and I am hoping he will color with me. Children are not afraid of color and they often come up with unique combinations that inspire me to try new things.

Happy Quilting,