New Quilts

I guess its time for me to quit moping around and get back to business.  I had a little pity party and have been missing my daughter and my grandson since they moved.  My dog misses them too!!!  He is having some trouble getting used to our new schedule, although I'm sure its the extra attention, playing, chew toys and treats that he really misses!!!

I realize that moving opens up possibilities for new quilts too.  My daughter says she is more than happy to give me ideas for quilts they can use for their new place and I have a couple of ideas for new quilts for my two newly emptied rooms.  After all, I need to get my grandson's room ready for his visits (I'm hoping there will be many).  Since he is too young to travel alone.....I'll keep a bed made up for my daughter too!!!

Working on these new quilts will help fill the gaps and make the time between our visits go more quickly.  We all also know that a couple of new quilts will make their new house a home.  The warmth and comfort of quilts make everything better.

Happy Quilting,