New Puppy
We have a new puppy!!! If you have ever had a puppy, those five words explain a lot about what I've been doing for the past few days! Our new puppy is an eight week old Doberman Pinscher named Roscoe. We all love him and I have to admit he is the best puppy we have ever had --- the first for my five-year-old grandson! Puppies and Spring go together somehow. New life, a little uncertainty and a fresh look at the "usual". We're all re-learning to pick-up after ourselves ( if we don't pick up Roscoe is more than happy to chew on things until we do ). I try to keep my shoes on. He loves to go after my toes ( Do you know how sharp puppy teeth are? ) He already "asks" to go outside --- which makes me the happiest ever. Yes, I am making him a quilt of his own ( he is already trying to adopt some of ours! ) but that will be done after the school year has come to an end. In the meantime I am working on the EOY Class Quilt, T-Shirt Quilts, Wedding Quilts and a multitude of Graduation Quilts --- and you know I love every minute of it!! I'll be posting pictures soon. Happy Quilting, Laurel