Nascar and Quilts

My husband and I are Nascar fans.  We fly our Nascar Flag (under the flag of the United States of America, of course), drink coffee from our drivers' coffee mugs, wear our drivers' T-shirts and watch the races on television  (We try to see one race a year in person).  We cheer on our favorite drivers and hope they are the one to get the checkered flag. 

I was happy to find a Nascar-related article in one of my quilt magazines!!!  When I opened my April/May 2011 edition of Quilters Newsletter I was excited to see the article about Jeanetta Holder  The Indy 500 Quilt Lady.  This fabulous woman has made a quilt for every Indianapolis 500 winner since 1976!!!

This woman is a remarkable, generous person.  This is quite a story.  It's nice to see an everyday quilter getting noticed for doing what she loves to do.  This quote sums it up very well,  she says, "I love quilts.  They are the warmest thing in the world."  I think I'll have to borrow that quote from time to time.  Quilts warm our bodies and our hearts.

Happy Quilting,