More Quilts for Kids
After mailing back the Quilts for Kids quilts, I received a very nice e-mail from them letting me know the quilts were received and thanking me for the quilts and my efforts in supporting this project. In my opinion, this project is well-run, organized, and professional. This has been froven from start to finish.
I have requested several more quilts from and they are sending them to me. I am going to host a sewing day for some of my quilting friends. When we get together we have food, good company and lots of fun while we talk, talk, laugh, sew, sew, sew and sew some more!!! Each of us will piece a quilt from the kits sent to us and then start sewing from our own fabrics to provide additional quilts for the project.
This is a worthwhile endeavor and I hope to send a huge box full of quilts back in October. It is well worth our efforts to provide a bit of comfort to children in hospitals. I was in the hospital as a child and I understand that something like one of these small quilts is really a big deal. A little quilt can have a positive impact on a child's life, make their hospital stay just a little bit easier to deal with and maybe even put a smile on their face.
Happy Quilting,