I'm Back

Hello quilting friends.  I have missed talking to you and I apologize for being away so very long.  I had major surgery on February 13th.  A couple of complications have slowed my recovery but I am doing better now and improving every day.  I want to thank my guest bloggers for contributing something in my absence.

I am not back to quilting on my longarm machine yet but quilting is still a big part of my recovery.  I will be sharing how with you over the next few postings.

Before my surgery, I prepared a goodie/fun bag for my friends and family members who were in the waiting room wishing me well.  I included snacks, a jigsaw puzzle, a few games (Mancala, Dominoes, cards), a couple of valentine art projects, boxes of crayons and quilt related coloring projects including quilt coloring books and mosaic coloring books. While I was in surgery, the quilty projects helped bring me good thoughts.  My sisters brought their crocheting projects. Others brought books, etc.  It felt good to see how many of the things in the bag were used while they patiently waited through my very long surgery.

I am glad my surgery went well and thankful for my family and friends who have been taking care of me and have been helping out since I have been home. I have received an abundance of cards, flowers and visits from friends and family. I certainly feel loved and all of this is helping my recovery move forward.

Quilting started to aid in my recovery as soon as the day after surgery.  My sister began by talking to me about quilting and what projects I was planning to work on as soon as I am able.  A couple of the nurses were interested and also talked to me about quilts. I was speaking to one of the nurses about the quilts I make for Quilts For Kids and she is going to put me in touch with the children's hospital so when I am able, I can supply them with some quilts too.

When I was able to come home, there was a collection of quilt magazines and quilting catalogs for me to read and look through.  I  also have the next couple of books in the Elm Creek Series to read.

The quilts I have in my own home are bringing me joy and comfort.  I think I heal faster with my beloved quilts to keep me warm and snuggle under!!!

Happy Quilting,