I See Quilts!!!

Even when I am not quilting, many things make me think about quilting.  I'll see a tiled floor or wall and see a quilt pattern.  I'll see a child's drawing and imagine how it would look in a quilt.  I have to admit I am a doodler and have been known to doodle quilting designs and patterns during a staff meeting here and there.

I was working with Tangrams ( a set of plastic shapes you use to duplicate a shape or design shown on a card ) with my class at school and found it very easy to move the shapes and develop quilt patterns!  The shape cards have abstract shapes and things such as animals, boats, tents, houses and more.  All of the shapes can easily be cut out of fabric and pieced into a quilt!!!

After that, I noticed someone wearing a skirt made from those luscious chocolate lover's fabrics and someone else wearing a bold floral print.  I immediately had visions of quilts containing those fabrics matched with other beautiful colors.

Quilt ideas are everywhere.  I see quilts everywhere.  Maybe I really do need help!!!!!  If you find yourself with "quilter's block", go take a walk.  Look around you.  You will notice shapes, colors and patterns.  Trust me.  The quilting ideas will flow.  Just remember,  you cannot take those beautiful fabrics off of your subjects' backs ----- you must get your ideas and go buy your own

Happy quilting,