Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year to each and every one of you!

This is a time when we tend to make a list of resolutions for the new year.  Things we intend to do better, more often, less often or in a different way.  I am looking forward to a good year.  My health is improving a little bit every day.....I plan to be back to normal soon and be able to complete everything on my to do list.  I wish to spend more time with family and am very much looking forward to the arrival of my new grand daughter this spring.  Of course, there is also a long list of the quilting projects I want to accomplish.  I've decided I am going to keep a "done" list along with my "to do" list this year so I can keep track of the items I actually complete, especially since I'm trying to make up for some of the time I lost last year.

My new year started with a good day.  The new pages are all set up in my daily planner and my calendar is up and filled out with all the appropriate dates marked (birthdays, anniversaries, school calendar and appointments).  Since we still do not have snow on the ground, my grandson son and I picked up twigs and small branches in the yard and burned them in our outdoor firepit then played a board game and read a few chapters in the book we are enjoying together.  I attached a quilt to my longarm machine and hope to have enough energy tomorrow to get it quilted!

I hope, for you, that this new year is filled with whatever makes you happy!

Happy Quilting,