Happy New Year
I hope all of you have been able to spend time over the holidays with family and/or friends. We have had the pleasure and opportunity for both, from our youngest grandchild to our oldest and dearest friends.
I especially love the time spent with the children. Their excitement and wonder are infectious and they bring smiles to everyone around them. I love that each moment of the time spent with a child is an opportunity to make a new memory and introduce them to the traditions of the Holiday.
Time spent with our dear friends sparks many conversations about past adventures and the possibilities of adventures yet to come.
Besides the wonderful times spent with family and friends, the cold weather, Christmas Holiday and onset of the New Year always seem to to bring about self reflection... and from self reflection, New Year's resolutions. As I reflect, I know that 2017 was a good year! I plan to build a better 2018 by further improving on my accomplishments, family ties and friendships.
As always, I hope to be able to spend even more time quilting, teaching and encouraging others to complete more projects. To help with this, I have decided to move toward the next chapter in my life. I have submitted my letter of retirement! Next year will be my 40th and final year as an elementary school teacher!!! A dream come true... I will be a full time quilter!!
I have much planning to do and many preparations to make. I am very excited about the new things to come and can't wait to share them with you in the year to come.
I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year filled with colorful fabrics and many completed projects.
Happy New Year, Happy Quilting,