Happy New Year

I wish each and everyone of you a Happy New Year.  I hope you have a happy, healthy, prosperous 2011. 

The beginning of the new year always brings a sense of renewal.  An opportunity to start fresh in certain areas of our lives and not fret over what is past.  I have only one New Year's Resolution this year.  My resolution is to be/do more.  I figure there is always room for improvement and if I improve a little bit in several areas, I will have a very good year.

I resolve to finish a few more projects of my own, to make a little more time and communicate with my family and friends a little more regularly, to save a little more money, to read a couple more books, to be a little more organized, to loose a couple more pounds, to plant a few more flowers in my yard, to do a couple more charity projects, to find a little more time each week to relax, to sort through and toss out some more of the things I've collected over the years, to blog a little more often, to teach a few more quilting classes, to do a few more trunk shows, and my favorite.....to buy more fabric (now you know I had to add that to my list!!!).

I would love to hear your New Year's Resolution!

Happy Quilting,