Happy Holidays - The Best Medicine
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year etc.
I love this time of year and I hate this time of year. I love the excitement of the children, the shopping, the hustle, the bustle, visiting friends and family, the decorations, the music, the school programs and art projects, the food and certainly the winter break from school ( the perky and pleasant early morning thing is hard for me!!! ). I hate the expense, the fact that no matter how much I accomplish I feel like I should have been able to get more done, and even though I have some time off, it is not really time off because there is sooooo much to do and never enough time!!!
I caught one of those winter cough/cold things and finally feel like I'm shaking it. I found the best medicine.........yesterday evening, I ignored the dishes, the laundry and the rest of my " to do list"..........I went to my studio and played with my fabric stash!!! I looked, I re-organized, I put away, I labeled, I matched........I got new ideas, I got happy, I got regenerated, I can now accomplish more and finish getting ready for the holidays.
Who says quilting isn't therapudic???? I say it's the best medicine for whatever ails you!!!
Happy Quilting,