Happy Easter!

I hope each of you have a wonderful Easter!!!

I have been "under the weather" this week and am finally feeling better so I am happy.  Our Spring Break started Friday so I am looking forward to catching up on my to do list and spending some time with family and friends.

I won't have any guilty feelings about spending most of my time quilting since I won't  be able to do much out in my yard because it has been raining so much that parts of the yard have standing water!!!  In fact, it's raining again now!!!  Believe it or not....a pair of ducks was swimming in one of the puddles this evening!!!  By the time we can cut the grass we'll be able to make hay!!!

I'll take the hint and stay inside and play with fabric!!!  Whatever you choose to do,  take a little bit of time for yourself.

Happy Easter,
Happy Quilting,