Fighting Flamingos

I created this quilt for a dear friend and neighbor who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
She loves flamingos so I added some and named this quilt "Fighting Flamingos". I was sure glad to have my Accuquilt cutters and dies to cut all of these pieces, especially the 4 Flamingos and the 21 cancer ribbons. I am also very glad she loves pink as I used 38 different pink fabrics for the 464 2" (cut 2 1/2") pink squares used to make the sashings and borders.
The 21 pink ribbons and the 4 flamingos (each made of 4 pieces) are appliqued on to 6" x 12" (cut 6 1/2" x 12 1/2") white-on-white cancer ribbon fabric I have in my stash. It was the perfect addition to this quilt!!
My friend was surprised and loves her quilt. I hope it brings her a bit of warmth, comfort and lots of encouragement.
Happy Quilting,