Cold Weather Sport
Our weather has turned very cold. Cold weather is to be expected in January, in Illinois, but our winter has been mild so far so this seems exceptionally cold. People around me are hoping for snow and are talking about the cold weather sports they love such as skating, skiing, sledding, building snowmen and even making show angels. Years ago I did all of that with my children, but frankly, now I'd rather stay warm and dry in the comfort of my own home. My favorite cold weather sport is quilting (OK, quilting is my favorite cold weather sport, warm weather sport, wet weather sport, dry weather sport, windy weather sport, fair weather sport, hobby, art, craft ...)
We had a three-day weekend and I spent the day with my sport!!! My sister got released from rehab and is home but since they were expecting bad weather I did not go to spen the day with her so I had some time to spend in my studio so I grabbed a cup of coffee and began in the morning. I finished quilting the quilt that was on my machine, removed it and bound it. Then I finished a quilt top for a friend. I put all of the borders on for her, made the backing and got the pieces all attached to my long arm machine. I also spent some time cutting pieces for a couple of scrap quilts using my Accuquilt machine.
It was fantastic to feel good enough to be productive with what I love to do.
I think every weekend should be a three day weekend!
Happy Quilting!