Well this was an interesting weekend. Friday afternoon I had to run a couple of errands. A friend rode with me and we, of course, stopped at Starbucks on the way home. After getting our scrumptious beverages through the drive-up window we headed for home and when we came to a stop sign I heard a little pop and my brake pedal went squish! We weren't too far from home and made it there safely but were not able to go out fabric shopping this weekend as I'd hoped.
I am very fortunate that my husband is "one of those guys" that can build or repair almost anything. He got things on my car apart but the auto parts store had to order some of the parts needed so he will put my baby back together tomorrow. I don't even want to know how much the repair bill would have been if I had to take my beloved Jeep to a repair shop for this work to be done.
Being home without my car was good for my productivity!!! I cleaned, cooked, pressed some finished quilt blocks, read a book, cut sashing strips for my next quilt project, did laundry, quilted and couple of quilts and got the bindings finished. Our weather was beautiful so the dog got alot of walks.
Happy Quilting,