Back to School
Bummer, it's the end of summer! Now, don't get me wrong, I love what I do. I teach second graders. It's just that my job cuts into my quilting time. Our new school year started today.
Although school does cut into my quilting time some, I always manage to bring my quilting into my classroom. Every chance I get, I incorporate quilting into my curriculum. I include quilting patterns and designs while we learn about shapes and color. I use quilts while we study area, perimeter and arrays. I use quilt themed color-by-number worksheets for math facts practice, telling time and language arts worksheets. I have many quilt related children's books that I read aloud to my students. We learn the difference between quilts and blankets. We have "Quilt Day" allowing each child to bring a quilt they own to school and to tell us who made it for them and when they received it. I teach about the Underground Railroad and Freedom Quilts during January and February. I also like to make an actual quilt with my class, allowing each child to design and create one large square for the beloved project.
Sharing my love of quilting with children is one of my favorite things. I hope this year's class loves learning about quilts and quilting as much as past classes have!
Happy Quilting,