Happy Birthday to Me

My birthday was Monday after Mother's Day and I was lucky enough for my birthday wish to come true!  I wanted pictures of my two grandchildren together.  Our grandson was staying with us for a few days while his mom was out of town on business.  Our son and daughter-in-law came over with dinner, flowers, their camera and our new granddaughter! We had a wonderful evening and they took lots of pictures for me. 

To top it off, my husband gave me a digital picture frame so I can have a slideshow of all my fantastic pictures. I can showcase my grandchildren and all of my quilts.  I am very excited to get it all set up.

This weekend was the National Restaurant Association's Show.  My husband and I along with his employees went to the show and  all of the walking is making me really feel my age!! 

It was really great that while at the restaurant show I was able to meet some quilter's!!! As I gave my e-mail address to different people to receive their information, they questioned me about quilting!!! A couple of them need my long arm services and the others wanted to keep in touch for a variety of reasons.  I love that quilters are everywhere!!!

Happy Quilting,